To rescue you To support you To reassure you

In the context of your tourist or professional stays, you can be confronted with concerns of different orders:

  • logistics: accommodation, essential supplies or means of payment
  • legal: need to be advised, defended
  • emotional: apprehension, cultural shift, isolation, depression
  • physical: need for on-site medical care or repatriation, danger or insecurity, life-saving emergency

Expatriates or holidaymakers, with our travel assistance and mobility assistance solutions, you can live your holiday with peace of mind.

To rescue you

We assist you for your medical needs, to allow you to enjoy your stay safely.

To support you

We manage the material aspects of your stay, especially in case of problems related to accommodation, vehicle or personal belongings and means of payment.

To reassure you

Before you go abroad, we give you the advice you need.
During your stay, we provide a psychological support if necessary.


Preserve your health

  • Routing of drugs not found on site
  • Delivery of glasses, contact lenses or hearing aids abroad
  • Taking medical appointments in the country of origin
  • Referral to local hospitals
  • Advance of medical expenses
  • Complementary reimbursement of medical expenses

Your transfer to a safe place

  • Prevention of security risks
  • Transfer or repatriation
    • Sending a doctor on site
    • Medical transfer to an institution
    • Repatriation in case of injury or illness
  • Repatriation of your family members / pets
  • Repatriation of body / ashes and related expenses

To defend you

  • Telephone legal assistance
  • Advance of criminal bail abroad
  • Lawyer fees

These services can be offered as part of travel assistance, mission or international mobility contracts. These guarantees may also be offered to enrich health and welfare contracts or car assistance contracts.



  • Extension of the stay at the hotel
  • Hotel accommodation
  • Search for a temporary hosting solution


  • Early return in case of death of a relative
  • Replacement driver

Your vehicle

  • Vehicle troubleshooting / towing
  • Sending spare parts
  • Replacement vehicle
  • Vehicle recovery

Your personals belongings

  • Routing essential items which are unobtainable on site (medicines, prescription glasses, identity papers, luggage keys)
  • Refunds due to baggage delay, loss, theft or damage
  • Cash advance

These services may be offered as part of travel assistance, mission or international mobility contracts. These guarantees may also be offered to enrich health and welfare contracts or car assistance contracts.


Before your departure

  • Health prevention information
  • Travel Information
  • Travel certificate
  • Prevention of security risks

During your stay

  • Presence of a relative at the bedside of the sick or injured insured person
  • Psychological accompaniment
  • Psychological debriefing
  • Prevention of security risks

These services may be offered as part of travel assistance, mission or international mobility contracts. These guarantees may also be offered to enrich health and welfare contracts or Vehicle assistance contracts.

Serving our customers

They tell how the Filassistance teams helped them


Antoine, 49 years old

Antoine tells how the Filassistance teams intervened when his son had a serious accident in Italy.

“Maxime was hit by a car during a trip to Milan. I contacted Filassistance, who connected to the hospital and the medical staff there. Thanks to their responsiveness, my son was repatriated to France on a private flight, accompanied by his mother. In this very delicate moment, the professionalism of the Filassistance teams allowed me to keep my cool. They quickly put in place the right solutions so that everything would go well under the circumstances. I called them back to express my gratitude.”


Ornella, 26 years old

Ornella carried out a mission to Norway for a French company in the energy sector. She explains how Filassistance helped her during her stay.

“When I arrived in Oslo it was in the middle of winter: it was dark at 3pm! I was a little confused, it was the first time I had gone so long in a foreign country, and I did not know anyone on the spot. The first few weeks were a bit difficult. The Filassistance psychologists helped me by their neutral and caring attitude, which I really needed: friends and family do not always understand what we can feel in such an experience. Also, when I was hospitalized for peritonitis, Filassistance financed my mother’s journey and stay. “


Stéphanie, 37 years old

Stephanie went on a 15 days trip to Peru. Filassistance assisted them after an incident occurred on site.

“During a trek in the Huayhuash mountain range, our wallets were stolen: no more credit cards or cash. We contacted Filassistance, who offered us an amount of cash, put at our disposal by one of their local correspondents. This enabled us to limit the damage and enjoy the rest of our stay despite this unfortunate episode! “



108 Bureaux de la Colline
92210 Saint-Cloud

+33 (0)1 47 11 24 24